Boost User Experience with a Flutter Emoji Picker Package

Emojis are the universal language of emotions, adding a touch of fun and personality to our digital interactions. In today’s mobile-centric world, integrating emojis into your Flutter app can significantly enhance user experience. But building a custom emoji picker from scratch can be a time-consuming task. This is where Flutter Emoji Picker Packages come in!

This blog post delves into the world of Flutter Emoji Picker Packages, exploring their functionalities and how they can elevate your app’s user experience. We’ll discuss the benefits of using these packages, explore popular options available, and guide you through the process of integrating an emoji picker into your Flutter application. By the end of this post, you’ll be equipped to add a user-friendly and engaging emoji selection feature to your Flutter app, boosting user expression and satisfaction.

Role of Emojis in Flutter Apps

Emojis are like punctuation for emotions! They add nuance and feeling to our digital interactions, making communication more engaging and fun. Just like a well-placed comma clarifies a sentence, a perfectly chosen emoji can convey a whole range of emotions in a single image.

In the world of mobile apps, emojis are usually displayed as text widgets. But how they appear can differ depending on whether you’re on an iPhone or an Android device. Sure, you can always type out an emoji manually, but there’s a more convenient way!

This is where the emoji_picker_flutter package comes to the rescue. It allows you to integrate a dedicated emoji picker into your Flutter app. Imagine a user-friendly interface where users can browse and select emojis with ease, transforming their text messages from plain to expressive, colorful, and truly engaging.

Below is a simple example of how an emoji icon can be displayed using a text widget in a Flutter app:

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget  {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text('Flutter Emoji Picker'),
        body: Center(
          child: Text('😀',
            style: TextStyle(
              fontSize: 100,

Integrating the Flutter Emoji Picker 🤩

Adding this package is quite simple. Include emoji_picker_flutter: ^latest package version under dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file:

    sdk: flutter
  emoji_picker_flutter: ^1.6.3

Then run the flutter packages get command in your terminal to fetch the package.

Implementing Emoji Picker in Flutter App

Using the EmojiPicker widget in your application is as simple as declaring it in your build method:

  onEmojiSelected: (Category category, Emoji emoji){

In the above snippet, onEmojiSelected is a required callback method that triggers when an emoji is selected. It provides you with the category of emoji and the emoji itself, which you could, for example, print out or add to a text field.

Customizing Flutter Emoji Picker

The EmojiPicker widget comes with numerous properties for customization, such as changing the background color, column count, emojis in each category, category icons, and many more.

  onEmojiSelected: (Category category, Emoji emoji) {
    // do something with selected emoji
  config: Config(
    columns: 7,
    bgColor: Color(0xFFF2F3F4),
    iconColor: Colors.grey,
    backspaceIcon: Icons.backspace,
    categoryIcons: CategoryIcons(),
    buttonMode: ButtonMode.MATERIAL

This code snippet personalizes the EmojiPicker widget using the Config class. We tweak its default settings by adjusting properties like columns (number of emojis per row) and bgColor (background color). Other properties can be modified to fit your preferences. Additionally, the categoryIcons instance lets you define custom icons for each emoji category, adding a unique touch to your emoji picker.


Incorporating a Flutter Emoji Picker Package is a strategic move to enhance user experience within your app. These packages offer a convenient and efficient way to integrate emoji functionality, saving you development time and effort. With a wide range of features available, you can choose the package that best suits your app’s needs, from basic emoji selection to advanced search and skin tone options. Remember, a well-designed emoji picker empowers users to express themselves creatively, fostering a more engaging and interactive experience. So, dive into the world of Flutter Emoji Picker Packages and watch your app’s user experience skyrocket!

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